
My name is Edite Pine (M.Ed. Counselling Psychology) and I am of mixed Mi’kmaq/French /Quechua ancestry. I grew up in Toronto and have been living outside the city in the countryside for seven years reclaiming land-based living skills. I am a food grower, harvester, mother and theatre artist. I completed my Masters degree in Counselling Psychology at the University of Toronto in 2012 and completed my internship in Art Therapy at Women's Health in Woman's Hands in Toronto. I have also completed training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, psychodrama and drama therapy. I have experience with group counselling and specialize in relationship (family and couples) prenatal and postpartum counselling. I am also a Labour Doula (trained with CAPPA- Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association) and work with QTBIPOC communities.